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2001年 真久 囧


演唱 : P.O.D.

歌名 : Satellite ( 出自 2001 年發行的 Satellite 專輯 )

Satellite ... Satellite ...
I wonder how clear it must look from there to here
No obstruction, this selfish corruption all in this atmosphere
No fear, less tears, only time to catch my breath
I fail to inhale, your love constricts my chest
Confusion blinded me - mental and physically
And its because of you that now I can see

So now I can run
I follow the Son and ride on to Zion
And dance this last song of freedom
But only time will tell, if its truly for real
Cant change your mind, all I know this is what I feel
Whether I'm wrong or right please keep my life in sight
And never take your eyes off me

As I look up to the sky today
Well I can see you looking down on me
It brings a smile to my face again

Its truly one of a kind, like star shine, beyond night time
Are you there?
My eyes stare to find just what's behind this blind notion of mine
Is it genuine?
'Cause sometimes, it plays tricks with my mind
Some call it asinine
But its like love or hate, now is that real or fake?
'Cause its a real thin line, but that's your choice to make
The question at hand, help me understand
Is this your plan?
I think I can, can I think, then I think I can
Because I wont break (nah) and I wont shake (nah)
With lifted hands to this Man (Jah) I'll stand in faith
I'll make it through - my trust in you
Close my eyes, make a wish, kiss the sky, hey there - I see you

When I look up to the sky today
I can feel you looking down on me
It brings a smile to my face again

Its truly one of a kind, like star shine, beyond night time
Are you there? Are you there? Are you there?

最虔誠的搖滾教徒,葛萊美獎及MTV音樂獎提名之最佳搖滾樂團 來自聖地牙哥的P.O.D. (Payable On Death),由鼓手Wuv於1992年要請他表弟Sonny及好友Marcos來擔任他力組Hardcore搖滾團之主唱與吉他手一職,直到隔年他才找到理想貝斯手Traa;整裝成型後的P.O.D.在獨立廠牌陸續發行四張專輯,一直到1998年才獲Atlantic唱片青睞簽入旗下,隔年推出的首張大碟不但榮登新人潛力榜冠軍,更衣錦還鄉地拿回聖地牙哥當地最佳重搖滾團體大獎,連滾石雜誌都將他們入選2000年『People Of The Year』! 隸屬CCM(Contemporary Christian Music)音樂範疇中的P.O.D.(Payable On Death),雖然在宗教與搖滾界引起不小的風暴,屢遭基督徒們強烈的抨擊,不承認他們為CCM樂派,但連續獲得Top Contemporary Christian榜冠軍與挺進流行/搖滾/潛力各榜的情況來看,P.O.D.早已突破樂派籓籬,成功跨界的將多元化的音樂理念注入到百家爭鳴的搖滾市場中!來自聖地牙哥的4人重裝搖滾部隊,將雷鬼/拉丁/嘻哈/饒舌/硬蕊/龐克/金屬等樂派,自成一格的加以改良,以致1996年於獨立廠牌發行的首張專輯「Brown」甫推出,迅速成為當地最受歡迎的地下搖滾樂團,隔年還在獨立廠推出第二張EP「Snuff The Punk」及展現Live熱力的現場迷你EP。 各地主流大廠皆聞風而至,最後花落Atlantic推出首張大作「The Fundamental Elements Of Southtown」,濃厚的嘻哈饒舌調性,勾勒出90年中期始大行其道的Nu-Metal樂派,當時他們還被稱之為:『基督搖滾界的Rage Against The Machine!』超高的人氣,不僅讓Ozzy極為賞賜擔任主舞台的表演嘉賓,專輯賣了2年還持續停留在流行專輯百名之列中! 就連電影公司都看好他們的發展潛力,紛紛邀約演唱主題曲與譜唱片中插曲!順勢於2001年發行衝破4百萬張銷售佳績的「Satellite」,金屬搖滾味明顯偏高,而雷鬼之聲也是隨處可聞!團中四位主角Sonny(主唱)、Marcos(吉他手)、Traa(貝斯手)及Wuv(鼓手)將其熱力全開,由似重生之作"Alive",高飆駛入更具速度快感的搖滾聖地,高燒不退的將專輯長賣到2003年,仍據守Top Christian Album冠軍寶座! 2003年2月,隊中的創始團員Marcos為追尋其他的音樂目標,脫團單飛。 擔任同為CCM/金屬樂派Living Sacrifice的吉他手Jason Truby入替,隨即以新的組合為電影駭客任務第2集「駭客任務 - 重裝上陣」譜唱主題曲"Sleeping Awake",替新專輯發行前做好暖身準備!
    創作者 伊伊 的頭像


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